Yogyakarta State University remains to be committed to being a world-class educational university that is sustainably excellent, creative, and innovative. Yogyakarta State University remains to be committed to being a world-class educational university that is superior, creative, and sustainably innovative. This was proven on Monday, February 10, 2024, by conducting Generative AI Integration Training in the TPACK Framework in the IDB Room lt.3. This training was held as an attempt to improve the comprehension and skills of educators and students in integrating technology into learning using the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) approach.

At 08.00 WIB, the event was opened by the Dean of FIPP UNY, Prof. Dr. Nurtanio Agus Purwanto, M.Pd., who conveyed welcoming remarks and the purpose of the training. He emphasized the importance of integrating Generative AI in education as an effort to support innovative learning to 240 online and offline participants.

Collaboration of Yogyakarta State University with Research consultants at RisetTop: Discussion & Sharing by Dadan Sumardani, S.Pd., M.Ed., M.Sc. (PhD Student at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan). Participants were introduced to the concept of TPACK and how Generative AI can be applied to improve teaching and learning in the classroom.


Author: Agus Herwanto