*Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) Cipta Karya Mandiri Wonosobo forge strategic collaborations with Non-Formal Education Department, Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP), Yogyakarta State University. This activity is in the form of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) aims to increase the capacity of educators and education personnel in PKBM Cipta Karya Mandiri., Wednesday, 20 December, at courtroom 1 FIPP UNY.

The Head of PKBM Cipta Karya Mandiri, Saikhu Rohman, S.Pd., states that the purpose of this activity is to get enlightenment related to the management of equality education learning. This FGD was attended by PKBM managers and tutors, who hope to get direction related relevance of earning patterns that have been applied with the development of Non-Formal Education.

On that occasion, Saikhu Rohman also asked critical questions related the suitability of the learning pattern that has been carried out and asking recommendation to increase participant’s talent interest and skill levels. Saikhu hope so that this activity can be a vehicle to collaborate in research together, to continue develop themselves and improving the quality of the institution.

Dr. Siti Rohmah Nurhayati, M.SI., as the representative of Vice Dean Research, Cooperation, Information System and Business Fields FIPP Yogyakarta State University, receive positively group attendance from PKBM Cipta Karya Mandiri. She states her readiness to collaborate in an effort to increase educational capacity and quality in that PKBM.

The Chairman of Non-Formal Education Department, Dr. Puji Yanti Fauziah, M.Pd., explained how Non-Formal Education Study Program has established a partnership with various institutions, including Ministry of Villages and PDTT. One example is RPL program for village officials from Disrict Bojongoro. Dr. Puji also offers RPL program for PKBM Cipta Karya Mandiri, with hope can increase tutor quality in that institutions.

This activity followed by 20 managers and tutor PKBM Cipta Karya Mandiri, sign their enthusiasm of established cooperation and continues to improve quality of education in their institutions. (rit)


*Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) = Community Learning Activity Center